In his 1962 essay, “Canada’s Long Term Strategic Situation”, Dr. R. J. Sutherland took the unusually bold step of predicting the stable foundations of Canadian defence policy for the next four decades, even though he was writing at the height of Cold War tensions and amidst revolutionary developments in nuclear weapons technology. An economist, cavalry officer and operational analyst with experience of World War Two and the Korean conflict, much of Sutherland’s work for the Department of Defence remains classified and although his career was cut short by his untimely death in 1967, aged only 45, he is considered by many to have been “Canada’s preeminent strategist of the 1950s and 1960s”.
Sutherland was working for Canada’s Defence Research Board when his seminal essay on Canadian security was published in the International Journal. Despite the dramatic global changes since “Hitler’s War”, Sutherland argued that the very concept of national security required consistent policies to be applied over many decades and suggested that looking ahead to the “far horizon” of the year 2000 could help to determine the long term basis of Canadian security and defence policy. Whilst articulating why all out thermonuclear war was unlikely, Sutherland still presented an essentially Hobbesian view of the international system, contending that “The game of power politics has been going on since the dawn of history…” and as such a peaceful world order would not be achieved by the start of the next millennium. Despite these uncertainties, Sutherland posited that there were certain “invariants” in Canada’s strategic situation related to geography, economics and the broad national interests that would drive Canada’s natural alliances and
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