In the book titled “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”, the author Michael Pollan explains about the huge world of food production. . In modern society the choices of food available for us humans seem so abundant. In other words, humans are known to be omnivores, which are the most non-selective eaters. Additionally, they are faced with the dilemma each and every day trying to figure out what to pick from a variety of food choices. From fresh produce, ready to eat meals, frozen foods, snacks such as biscuits and chips, drinks and more. To understand more about the choices made in selecting these daily meals, Pollan follows up on the food chain, and as a result, come up with an American way of eating. Since the beginning of the book, Michael Pollan has been asserting the rudimentary problem of the food production: corn. Pollan divides his work into two parts. In the first part, he discussed about the industrial food chain that are based on corn. In the second one, he checks on organic farming whether it is truly advantageous or not. However, all in all, he mostly describes about the corn, which could be a problem or a cure for the food industry.
People from all around the world do not understand what the biggest problem is in America. They thought that it is drugs or alcohol, which is definitely wrong.
-What problems us the most nowadays from the food production is the corn that is being used in everything around our lifes and food industries are over producing it to make more money.
-They are making cheap corn products called High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Today, HFCS and processed foods are intimidating our health. The food companies are making unhealthy products because of their own profits. It is unbelievable that this happens in today's society.
- It is true that corn gives us many disadvantages; however, it could also give benefits for the