I would say if I were Suzette, I would definitely report it to manager. Especially, Suzette was an accounting major student. Not only should she report, but also she needs to help the manager building a better intern control mechanism by using her accounting knowledge. But before I reveal Alex and Matt, I prefer to confirm and double check first if they really did some illegal activities like stealing, not only just follow what Paula told.
2. Do you believe that it was appropriate for Suzette to report the alleged theft ting to a store manager? Would it have been unethical for Suzette not to report the rumored theft ting?
I believe it’s necessary to report the alleged theft thing. As an accounting student, Suzette has necessary knowledge and training to discriminate legal and illegal activities. It’s her obligation to reveal inappropriate behaviors or illegal activities in the company.
On the other hand, If Suzette tried to cover the truth, Alex and Matt might stole more valuable stuff and thus got much more stringent penalties from the court. In this point, the earlier Suzette reports their activity, the better for Alex and Matt.
3. Accounting majors are preparing to enter a profession recognized as having one of the strongest and most rigorously enforced ethical codes. Given this fact, do you believe that accounting majors have a greater responsibility than other business majors to behave ethically?
Accounting majors have more judgmental and ethical knowledge than other business majors, so they definitely have a greater responsibility to behave ethically.
4. Briefly discuss internal control activities that might have prevented the theft losses suffered by Bertolini’s.
My suggestions for Bertolini’s are as follow:
• Create a comprehensive inventory management mechanism. A periodical stock checking is necessary. The actual inventory, such as