Characterization of multi robot swarm
Primarily the knowledge of this moment of time, which as just grown forever but made our mind to write the words for those who were with us with ever welcoming gesture throughout this assignment.
I heartly like to thanks the Almighty for giving me this opportunity as well as strength to complete this assignment.
Best of the words is for Our Respected Teacher Mr. Zahid Gulzar Khaki .
For suggestion and thorough support throughout this assignment.
Last but not the least I would like to thanks my parents who had encouraged me to finish this assignment.
* Introduction of swarm robotics * Definition of swarm robotics * Definition of swarm intelligence
* CHARACTERSTICS OF MULTI ROBOT SWARM:- * Robustness * Scalability * Flexibility * Simplicity * Diversity * Distributed * Decentralized * Dynamic
* Research axes of swarm Robotics * Modeling * Communication
* RoboticS ..3..
Inspired by the collective behavior observed in natural insects, Swarm Robotics is a new approach of design to demonstrate swarm intelligence in a large group number of robots. In such robotic system individual robot only has limited capabilities in terms of sensing, computation, and communication but its behavior can be designed such that a desired collective behavior emerges from the local interactions among robots and between the robots and the environment. The attention to swarm robotics has been increased recently because of beneficial features demonstrated in such systems, such as higher group efficiency, the robustness against