My topic is sweat shop labor in china focused on Nike production factories and question of labors dignity in sweat shop. To understand in better term this paper includes explanation of dignity, and how this theory is violated by factories. Additionally, describes how civil society reacted and pressured international community to focus on sweat shop issue.
Sweat shop is refers for any dangerous or difficult environment to work. Sweat shop workers often work overtime, in low wage, verbal abuse, physical abuse to women, hazardous materials and situations, and without any job security. Nike, Inc. has been accused of having history of using sweatshops in developing countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, china and Vietnam. Most of these are women workers. China which is communist country, citizen doesn’t have right to freedom of association to form trade unions and non-governmental labor organizations. Government monitored organization labor that carry out regular crackdowns. Multinational corporations and national factory owners take advantage of the anti-union climate. Workers interest and rights are not protected by Chinese government neither factories. Nike’s largest single sourcing country is china, about 210,000 employees. Nike was heavily criticized for working condition of factory; they are taking advantage of government system in developing countries. Nike denied claim that they don’t owned the company, they do in contract. Women represent the larger proportion of factory employees. Cases of employee abuse by supervisors have been found in several factories. Inside the factory it is like dictatorship of supervisor where they are given corporal punishment to keep workers in line.
Dignity emphasized on inherent and inalienable rights. Inalienable and inherent right refers to that cannot be separated and as of birth one due have rights without any discrimination. Morality, autonomy, human traits of reason is fully developed with
Bibliography: 1)Mattson, David, Cark and Susan. “humanity dignity in concept and practice”.Vol44.issue4,pg 303- 319.Web.21 Nov.2012 2)Hughes, Glenn In. “The concept of Dignity in the Universal Declaration of human rights” . March 2011, Vol. 39, Issue 1, p1-24, 24p. Web. 4 Dec. 3) Kateb, George. Human Dignity. Belknap press of Harvard University Press.2011. 257p. eBook. 4) 5) 6)