Bay Kennish is a wealthy teenager who lives in a high society neighborhood with her mother, father, and brother. Her parents, John Kennish, and Kathryn Kennish are two wealthy, working parents. Toby Kennish is Bay’s younger sibling. On the other hand, Daphne Vasquez is a lower-class teenager who is hearing impaired due to a fatal illness. She lives with her mother, Regina Vasquez. Bay and Daphne find out that they were switched at birth, meaning they were supposed to be living each other’s lives. I think the reason this show is so relatable is because it’s really truthful. I think this type of series is a classic setup where you get to imagine what your life would be like in someone else’s shoes. Switched at Birth is a television drama, unlike many others of its kind. Many television broadcasts are predictable. It’s easy to infer what will happen, and the characters are not easy to connect to. However, in Switched at Birth, the characters are fairly easy to relate to. Each character has a sort of warmth to his/her self, which creates a true bond between the viewer and character.
Switched at Birth has many conflicts that are presented throughout each episode that premier. In a few episodes, Bay starts to form a bond with one of Daphne’s friends. This creates some tension between many of the characters, including their parents. In another episode, Bay and Daphne argue over what their lives would have been like if the switch had never occurred.
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