High Voltage Engineering
Second edition
E. Kuffel
Dean Emeritus,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Canada
W.S. Zaengl
Professor Emeritus,
Electrical Engineering Dept.,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Zurich, Switzerland
J. Kuffel
Manager of High Voltage and Current Laboratories,
Ontario Hydro Technologies,
Toronto, Canada
An imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041
A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd
First published 1984 by Pergamon Press
Reprinted 1986
Second edition 2000, published by Butterworth-Heinemann
E. Kuffel and W.S. Zaengl 1984
E. Kuffel, W.S. Zaengl and J. Kuffel 2000
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ISBN 0 7506 3634 3
Typeset by Laser Words, Madras, India
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Preface to second edition
Preface to first edition
Chapter 1
xi xv Introduction
References: 1. A.J. Schwab. High Voltage Measurement Techniques. MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma. and London, England, 1972. 2. B.D. Jenkins. Introduction to Instrument Transformers. Newnes, London, 1967. 4. A. Draper. Electrical Machines. Longmans, London, 1976. 5. IEC Publication 52, 2nd Edition (1960). Recommendations for Voltage Measurements by Means of Sphere-gaps (one sphere earthed). 7. F.S. Edwards and J.F. Smee. The Calibration of the Sphere Spark-Gap for Voltage Measurement up to One Million Volts (Effective) at 50 Hz. JIEE 82 (1938), pp. 655–657. Proc. IEE 110 (1963), pp. 1077–1081. pp. 1417–1422. 13. W. Link. PhD Thesis (in German). TU Stuttgart, No. 203 (1975). voltages (in German). ETZ-A vol. 90 (1969), pp. 7–13. 16. F.O. MacMillan and E.G. Starr. Trans. AIEE 49 (1930), p. 859. 17. P.L. Bellaschi and P.H. McAuley. Impulse Calibration of Sphere Gaps. Electric Journal 31 (1934), pp 18. J.R. Meador. Calibration of the Sphere Gap. Trans. AIEE 53 (1934), pp. 942–948. Journal of the IEE (London) 82 (1938), pp. 645–654. 23. W. Schultz. Erratic breakdown in air due to impurities in the presence of direct and alternating voltages. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engg., Milan, 1979, Report 52.05. 24. D. Peier and H. Groschopp. PTB-Mitteilungen 87 (1977), pp. 396–398. 25. W.O. Schumann. Elektrische Durchbruchfeldstaerke von Gasen. Springer, Berlin, 1923. 26. E. Kuffel and M. Abdullah. High-Voltage Engineering. Pergamon Press, 1970. 27. G.A. Schroeder. Zeitschr.f. Angew. Physik 13 (1967), pp. 296–303. 28. H.A. Boyd, F.M. Bruce and D.J. Tedford. Nature 210 (1966), pp. 719–720. 29. M.S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju. High Voltage Engineering. McGraw-Hill, 1995. 30. P. Paasche. Hochspannungsmessungen. VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1957. 31. H. House, F.W. Waterton and J. Chew. 1000 kV standard voltmeter. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engg., Milan, 1979, Report 43.05. 32. J.H. Park. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. 66C, 1 (1962), p. 19. 33. R. Davis. J. Sci. Inst. 5 (1928), pp. 305–354. 34. R.F. Goosens and P.G. Provoost. Bull. SEV. 37 (1946), pp. 175–184. 35. D. Peier and V. Graetsch. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engg., Milan, 1979, Report 43.08. 36. C.T.R. Wilson. Phil. Trans. (A)221 (1920), p. 73. 37. L.W. Chubb and C. Fortescue. Trans. AIEE 32 (1913), pp. 739–748. 38. W. Boeck. ETZ-A 84 (1963), pp. 883–885. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engg. (ISH), Milan, 1979, Report 72.07. 41. J.G. Graeme. Designing with Operational Amplifiers. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977. 42. W. Schulz. High-voltage ac peak measurement with high accuracy. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Techn., Milan, 1979, Report 43.12. 43. J.C. Whitaker (ed.). The Electronics Handbook. IEEE Press, 1996. Trans. IEEE PAS 99 (1980), pp. 636–649. 45. W. Clausnitzer. Trans. IEEE IM 17 (1968), p. 252. 46. A. Keller. Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements, NPL, London, 1955. 47. H.R. Lucas and D.D. McCarthy. Trans. IEEE PAD 89 (1970), pp. 1513–1521. 2nd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engg., Zurich, 1975. 49. D.L. Hillhouse and A.E. Peterson. Trans. IEEE IM 22 (1973), No. 4. 50. IRR-IMS Group. Facing uhv measuring problems. Electra No. 35 (1974), pp. 157–254. 51. W. Zaengl. Arch. Techn. Messen (ATM), Blatt Z 130-3 (1969). 52. H. Luehrmann. ETZ-A 91 (1971), pp. 332–335. 53. IEC Publication 60: High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring Systems, 2nd Edition, 1994-11. 56. A. Rodewald. Bull. SEV. 69 (1978), pp. 171–176. 57. IEC Publication 60-4 (1977). High-voltage test techniques, Part 4: Application Guide for Measuring Devices. 58. A. Asner. Bull. SEV. 52 (1961), pp. 192–203. 59. F. Creed, R. Kawamura and G. Newi. Trans. IEEE PAS 86 (1967), pp. 1408–1420.