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SWOT Analysis
Redbox Company: An Overview Redbox is America’s ultimate destination when it comes to high quality DVDs or CDs from huge collections of movies and games. Rental services offered by the company are immensely appreciated all over the United States and thus, its reputational standings in the competitive market are perking up to ceilings of admiration. The company started functioning since 2002 and gradually and characteristically moved towards paramount financial gains. The company went through various ups and downs during its journey of success which can be seen in given below figural depiction of company’s overall time line till date.
Source: (Timeline, n.d.) As, mentioned in above-illustrated figure, recently the company, which started with 100+ nationwide outlets, has grown up to 28,000+ franchises at different locations of the States such that Americans are at five-minutes derive from their favorite games and movies. The invasion of Coinstar Company between 2008 and 2009 has appeared as the milestone in Redbox’s ultimate progression and now the company is assumed as the most promising and leading rental service provider of the country. Nowadays, the company has its fully automated rental system which facilitates its customers with the fullness of quality services (Facts About Redbox, n.d.). In this analytical exposition, owing to an immense popularity of the company, aim is to conduct an exhaustively exclusive SWOT analysis for Redbox so as to get the insights of company’s operational and financial standings on the whole.
SWOT Analysis of the Company Strengths Obvious strengths allied with the company are being discussed below (Faloye et al, 2010): • Reasonable service charges as compared to its competitors • Good ranking in competitive markets • No charges for monthly membership • Immediate response for customer services
References: Faloye, A., Krishnan, A., Schaff, N., Reuer, M. & Meyer, S. (2010). Coinstar. Retrieved December 23, 2011, from http://business.library.wisc.edu/resources/kavajecz/10_Fall/Coinstar_Report.pdf. Facts about Redbox. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2011, from http://www.redbox.com/facts. Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2011, from http://www.redbox.com/image/mediacenter/timeline_large.