The difference between success and failure in business is often found in the art and science of marketing. While there is some chance involve, companies can put the odds in their favour by using the principles of marketing. Technically, marketing is the process of developing, pricing, promoting and distributing of goods, services and ideas to satisfy the needs of buyers and sellers. The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) defines marketing as a management function: Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. For marketing to be successful, the needs of the customer and seller have to be met. Kotler and Keller (12e), Marketing Management states that whether exchange actually takes place depends on whether the two parties can agree on terms that will leave them both better off than before. Therefore, to market effectively, the first thing of an organization must do is to identify the needs and wants of its customer.
F&N Coca-Cola (M) Sdn. Bhd. or FNCC for short main business activity is dealing in soft drinks. Established in the year 1913 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it has been listed in the main board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange since 1986 with 23 offices throughout the country. The writer believe that to maintain as a market leader in the soft drinks industry was not a matter of pure luck as some people perceive it but rather on implementing the right strategies and models in achieving it’s organisational goals. Of all the achievements, FNCC too have its weaknesses but it was able to capitalise weaknesses into strength and turned threats into opportunities to sustain long term survival.
A company or organisation need to analyse its situation regularly in order to be competitive and to survive. It needs to ask questions like “Where are we now”, “Where we want to be”, “How do we get there” and
Bibliography: 5. Kotler, P and Keller, K.L (2006), Marketing Management 12e, Pearson International Edition, Prentice Hall 6. McCrimmon, M (1997), THE MASTER CHANGE – Managing and adapting organisation change, Pitman Publishing 7. Permanis Sandilands Sdn. Bhd.’s 2006 Annual Report 8. Peters, T.J and Waterman JR, R.H (1982), In Search of Excellence, Harper and Row, New York 9. Porter, M.E (1985), COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE – Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York, The Free Press 10. The Chartered Institute of Marketing 11. The Logic of Business Strategy, Ballinger Publishing, New York, 1984