SWOT Analysis: CK Cares, Florida Mentor, Easter Seals
| CK CARES | SUNRISE COMMUNITIES | GOODWILL | UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY | BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER | STRENGTHS | Employable skills training, Behavior analysis, providing employers with behavioral skill class. Social and community integration. Rites of passage mentor program. | Supported employment training, coach supported employment and behavioral analysis. | Vocational training, rehabilitation services and, computer training.Employment | Children and adult services. Family support. Supported employment. | Provides mentoring services for children ages 5-18.Volunteer services. | OPPORTUNITIES | Ck Cares will fill the void created by budget cuts and the 4 tier caps limiting and cutting services to individuals with developmental disabilities .provide services to the consumers free of charge in overcoming barriers to independence and employment. | Supported employment assisting people with disabilities in getting and keeping jobs in the community without any barriers. | Opening more retail stores providing more jobs for consumers. | Adult services provide vocational training so their consumers can gain independence and job success. | All children who need mentoring to help reach their potential by doing better in school and overcoming any challenges they face. | WEAKNESS | Limited capacity to help everyone in need. | Does not provide services to non-disabled individuals. | Does not provide mentoring, community outreach programs and behavioral services. | No mentoring programs.Services not provided to non-disabled individuals. | No behavioral services. No services for disabled children. | THREATS | Other competitive wanting to compete with CK Cares | Budgets cuts | | Budget cuts | Need more volunteers. Waiting list. |
| FLORIDA MENTOR | TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN | SOUTH FLORIDA NATIONAL FOUNDATION | MACTOWN | Center for independent living | STRENGTHS | Therapeutic case management.Residential services, foster care. | Mentoring Helping low- income students with