Technically, SWOT is created by 4 words: S, W, O, T, in which S represents for strengths, W stands for weaknesses, O is opportunities, and T represents for threats, according to Queensland Government, they defined that it is an important tool to identify and analysis the overall company’s strategy. In the same word, SWOT analysis is considered a special technique to estimate the success of a company, which can exploit maximum company’s strengths to match them with opportunities, and overcome the weaknesses, convert them into strengths simultaneously, make use of opportunities and avoiding threats. (Queensland Government, 2012)
In recent years, Apple is an example of strengths in the SWOT and they are becoming one of the most famous brands in technology area, especially in computer PCs, network solutions and communication devices. This success is a combination of many differences factors, Apple knows the way to exploit their specific advantages; they always have a great marketing plans for long- term development. In addition, the quality of technology products are guaranteed, the best quality and an ideal service are exactly what Apple
Bibliography: Golson, J. (2011, Octorber 18). Retrieved September 14, 2012, from Tops $100 Billion in Sales for Fiscal 2011: Kenneth. (2011). Business Knowledge Center. Retrieved September 16, 2012, from SWOT analysis: Polovets, L. (2012, May 009). Retrieved September 16, 2012, from Who are Apple 's biggest competitors : Queensland Government. (2012, September 10). Retrieved September 15, 2012, from Benefits and limitations of SWOT analysis: