Swot Analysis of Byd
Carry out an analysis of BYD using SWOT. Using findings from SWOT analysis prepare a brief strategic plan for the short and long term of the company. Introduction SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. BYD is one of the world’s largest battery manufacturers. BYD Company was founded 1995 and was listed at Hong Kong in 1997. BYD enter into automobile industry in 2003. This essay aims at carry out an analysis of BYD using SWOT and preparing a brief strategic plan for the short and longer term future of the company. In the part 1 of the easy is the SWOT analysis of BYD. In the second part of essay is the brief strategic plan for the short and longer term future of the company. SWOT analysis of BYD. 1. The strengths and opportunities of BYD Because BYD is one of the world’s largest battery manufacturers, it has the technology of the battery industry. As the increase of global oil price and decrease of oil, Hybrid Electrical Vehicle will become more and more popular in the Automobile industry (sina.com, 2008). Besides, the raising of effluent standard, also become an opportunity of Hybrid Electrical Vehicle. It is an opportunity of BYD. The battery technology will become the strength of BYD. BYD can use the battery technology on the Hybrid Electrical Vehicle industry. Actually, BYD has used the battery technology on the Hybrid Electrical Vehicle manufacturing. The BYD F3 DM (the first Hybrid Electrical Vehicle of BYD) has appeared on December 15th 2008. (Auto.163, 2008) December 15th 2008, BYD announced the world's first dual-mode electric vehicle F3DM for sale, and received support for government procurement (sina.com, 2008). It is an
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