The coca cola company strives its best to achieve its sustainability goals. As achieving sustainability is a never ending process in this rapidly changing world and threats to global environment, it requires a lot of efforts and times to keep the performance not only consistent but better every year.
The coca cola company has a standard to follow, when it comes to doing well for the society, which is better than it’s any other competitor in the industry.
It is working not only on the water footprints and water stewardship but also other despair spread in the society such as; child labor, education, health and fitness, flood relief and many others. All the sincere efforts and great commitment of the company towards the …show more content…
Coca cola is in progress of addressing obesity by introducing no-low calorie drinks. It has introduced a number of new and improved no-low calorie beverages for many years.
2. In 2010 the coca cola announced its intention to provide nutrition information on front of their packaging by 2011 and has certainly achieved it as it became the first beverage company to provide its calorie information on front of their packaging.
3. Coca cola has not only introduced no-low calorie beverages but is also supporting the
physical activities to help fight obesity. Among the best-known active, healthy living programs it support around the world are our COPA COCA-COLA CAMPS, OLYMPIC ACTIVE HEALTHY LIVING SHOWCASE, OLYMPIC MOVES, AND PARTICIPACTION TEEN CHALLENGE.
4. Based on its responsible marketing policy, it does not buy advertising placements that target children, defined as audiences with 35 percent or more of viewers under the age of 12. In 2010, it announced and began implementing its global school beverage guidelines. So through its guidelines, they have committed not to commercially advertise or offer the beverages in primary schools, unless requested to do so by a school authority to meet hydration needs. In 2014, it enhanced its policy to Extend across all forms of media. In addition, its policy now …show more content…
The Coca-Cola system globally has committed to replenish 100 percent of the water it uses in its finished beverages by 2020, through projects such as reforestation, protecting aquifers and revitalizing rivers.
In 2010 with the help of the nature conservancy, academics and other key water stakeholders, they have developed a methodology to quantify how much water they have replenished through their community water project.
In 2015 it achieved to replenish approximately 94 percent of the water used
in its finished products as compared to 23 percent in 2011.
A more clear progress can be seen in the graph below;
2. The coca cola intends to reduce water use ratio by using water efficiently. In 2011 its water usage ratio was 2.26 that was 16% reduction as compared to 2004 as a base line. Its target back then was to reduce water
usage ratio by 20% till the end of 2012 and in 2012 it achieved a reduction of 21.4% it then sets a new target of achieving a 25% reduction in 2020 with 2010 as a base line. The coca cola is clearly doing a great job in meeting their new target as it has achieved a 10% of reduction in water usage as compared to