Brainstorming Resources The following was used in the process of creating the report:
Gantt Charts
Using collective and unique aptitudes to discover proper responsibilities
The use of physical meetings to determine aptitudes and personal availability using data that is readily available (the internet, books, etc)
Project Evaluation
“How familiar are you with the subject? It's complexity?”
“What have you learned from similar projects and …show more content…
Fila is being replaced by their competitors like Nike, Addidas, and Puma. Fila is now also battling with specialized companies like Lululemon and Under Armour.
A Free-Trade Agreement is in the midst between China, South Korea and potentially Japan and is predicted to happen within the next five years. This could make South Korea a new super-country. Fila has outsourced to South Korea, and with the South Korea becoming more powerful, working wages could potentially increase resulting in higher production costs for Fila; a new location for outsourcing may need to be considered.
Fila caters to a select demographic of sport which has resulted in a low diversity within their products.
In the period between 2012 and 2013, Fila lost money and it can be concluded the trend continued into 2014 and 2015 considering the company has not changed drastically over this time period.
Fila should incorporate more technology into their operations in order to receive faster customer service, customer feedback, and easier, quicker online shopping.
Fila: The …show more content…
Fila was “originally in the business of creating quality textiles for local townspeople, the brothers sought to produce fabrics that combined luxury, art and utility, drawing inspiration from their homeland to create product as exquisitely textured and evocative as the Italian landscape: the austerity of the Alps, the fluidity of the hills and the boldness of the Mediterranean coast” (“Fila: History”, 2014). In 1923, Fila officially established the expanding family-run textile business and entered into a limited partnership named Maglficio Biellese. Over the next 20 years, the brand grew beyond the small town of Biella and in 1942, they merged with Fratelli Fila. The organization was headed by Giansevero Fila and he hired Enrico Frachey to grow the business. In 1968, to achieve this goal Enrico Frachey hired designer Pier Luigi Rolando and engineering director, Alessandro Galliano to create premium athletic fabric and design an outerwear collection that debuted in 1972. At that point, they had over one billion lire (or $754,019 CAD) in sales and more than 250