Through their marketing strategy Patagonia appeals to the environmentally conscious customer by creating programs within their company that allow customers to keep their Patagonia products as long as possible. They offer free repairs to any of their products if a customer brings them into a …show more content…
They’ve also justified the often premium prices they sell their products at with the efforts they are making to create products that do not need to be replaced and thus Patagonia won’t have to produce more products in an non environmentally friendly manner. Their promotion of these ideals is the driving force in their marketing campaigns which they have executed rather well. In terms of accessibility the company does have some improvement to be made. The number of freestanding Patagonia stores in the US is thirty in a total of seventeen states, which makes those living in rural areas, where a sizable amount of their target group may live, not able to purchase their products as easily. Through expansion of Patagonia stores, which would highlight their environmental efforts more than just being stocked in retail stores along with numerous other brands, the company can expect more success with their marketing