Samsung is no longer the company that it used to be, it is a company that has put in a lot effort and money for changing its reputation. Today, Samsung is striving and growing into one of the most successful companies ever. It has an extensive product line that caters to many different people. It no longer operates on low profits;it’s striving on the highest.Thus, it is no surprise that many of us would be interested in the SWOT Analysis of Samsung. Here in this article we do a complete SWOT Analysis of Samsung to show you what Samsung has really become. This article is very useful to all those who are conducting a research on Samsung or may be thinking of starting their own business. The SWOT Analysis of Samsung will tell you all you need to know.However, before we move on to the SWOT Analysis of Samsung we need to understand what a SWOT analysis really is. Only then will we stated the actual SWOT Analysis of Samsung.ASWOT analysis is type of strategic planning tool, which every company and most competitors conduct to understand how a particular company is doing.The SWOT analysis covers four dimensions namely; the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. By going through a SWOT analysis, you become aware of the most important dimensions that have an impact on the operations of the company. Once a SWOT analysis has been jolted you can come with relevant strategies in order to succeed in the competitive environment.A good SWOT analysis can help the company and competitors place themselves in the market wisely. Therefore, here we look at the SWOT Analysis of Samsung to give you an idea of how the company is operating in the world.Strengths• Samsung has a wide product range, which allows them to grab ample market share from various markets. This allows Samsung to not only earn a high return but it also allows them to diversify their risk and failure.
• According to many magazines, Samsung holds a significant portion of