- Young, motivated employees
- Methodological expertise
- Executive has good network within the company
- A wide range of tasks
- Lack of experience
- No working processes
- Lack of acceptance within the company
- No established team
Opportunities (Always ask: What improves the situation?)
- Strategic management of major projects
- Expansion of the department
- Raising the status within the company
- Measurable and sustainable improvements in results
Risks (Always ask: What deteriorates the situation?)
- Fluctuation in the department
- No further project contracts
- Blockades within the company
- Employee dissatisfaction
Let’s say that you have described the strategic situation of this very simple example sufficiently.
Now you create a so-called SWOT-Matrix in order to visualize the deduced strategy blocks in a very clear and concise form.
The matrix could look like this: The combination of letters in the different matrix fields represent the corresponding combination of variables.
The combinations will help to find the following questions:
1. SO – Strenghts/Opportunities combination: What strengths match your opportunities? How can your strengths be used to increase the chance of realizing your chances?
2. ST – Strengths/Threats combination: Which threats can be attacked by which strengths? How can your existing strengths be used to prevent the occurrence of certain risks?
3. WO – Weaknesses/Opportunities combination: Which opportunities can arise from which risks? How can weaknesses be developed into strengths?
4. WT – Weaknesses/Threats combination: Where are your weaknesses and how can you protect yourself from harm?
The answers to these questions will lead you to the strategic building blocks that form the result of the whole analysis and are put in the matrix fields afterwards.
Deduction Of A Strategy Block – Case Study
3.WO –