By Malcolm Manness - November 27, 2012| Tickers: AAPL, XOM, GOOG| 4 Comments
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Malcolm is a member of The Motley Fool Blog Network -- entries represent the personal opinions of our bloggers and are not formally edited.
Understanding Apple – SWOT Analysis Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) now has the largest market cap of any company. It zoomed past Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) and never looked back. It is one of the most popular and recognized brands worldwide, although it seems to draw as much hatred from some as love from others. So let’s take a look at the iconic brand here a bit removed from the daily headlines. I. - Strengths 1- User Interface Without a doubt, Apple engineers have an extraordinary knack for envisioning simple, intuitive user interfaces. The Mac computer was leader in this for personal computers. (Yes - I know they bought the base design from Xerox PARC. Still, they did lots of work to refine it and bring it to commercial market.) The iPod revolution was based not only on the physical design, but equally on the ease of use of its click-wheel interface. The iPhone and iPad then revolutionize the smartphone and tablet categories. All previous smartphones were pushed into a feature-phone category, and all previous tablet computers were totally shamed as iOS was so far in advance. The Apple User Interface now extends into the Cloud. Apple has integrated their iCloud service in such a seamless manner, that it is almost transparent to the user. The user takes a photo on the iPhone, it is immediately uploaded to the Photo Stream in iCloud, and shows up on the user’s computer or iPad. It will also show up on other users who are specified in a shared folder. 2 – Hardware Design Apple continues to innovate in the area of hardware design. Some innovations are: •their own A-series chips for iDevices: Where others use general