One of the well-known brands in retail sector in United Kingdom.
Efficient in managing stock during of product holiday season was better than any competitor.
Relationship with Boots was profitable for hairdressers, thus the hairdressers would prefer Boots brand only.
Failure to link the celebrity name with its products and hence didn’t maximize profit.
Various high profile competitor in product retailers like Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons.
Customer’s preference changes over period to time along with the new trends.
Most of the other brands didn’t have the technology to implement ‘3 for 2’ offer.
Competitors can’t copy their strategy of Boots of linking its product with prestigious salon brands.
Celebrity brand name can be strategically used to promote their products and gain critical promotion with it.
Fierce competition with some of the leading brands in the world like P&G, L’Oreal, etc.
There was no brand loyalty between the consumers regarding the shampoo brand.
Major drug and beauty retailer Superdrug attracting customers through store layout, lighting and color.