A SWOT analysis should begin with Tesco's strengths. Look for information on its main assets. Investigate its main competition, from supermarkets to finance companies, and determine ways in which it might become stronger. Focus especially on financial resources--the company was valued at £23 billion in 2008. Try and find newspaper articles relating to Tesco's strengths.
SWOT Analysis - Weaknesses
The second part of your SWOT analysis shouldn't focus solely on Tesco's weaknesses. Think more widely about the weaknesses that all companies face. Look at SWOT analysis case studies from other companies. For instance, comparing Tesco with British Airways might get you thinking about how dependent Tesco is on the UK market (73.8% of 2003 revenues.) Comparing Tesco with Amazon might reveal flaws in its attempts to move into new markets. Find information on Tesco's weaknesses compared to other companies by accessing reports for all the companies involved.
SWOT Analysis - Opportunities
Some of Tesco's main opportunities, as with most companies, now lie in the internet arena. Look at the Tesco Direct website, and compare it to the opposition. Ask yourself: What opportunities is Tesco missing? Which opportunities are Tesco exploiting? For instance, compare tesco.com and amazon.com. How do the prices of books compare? Which site has the best features? What opportunities can Tesco take that Amazon might be missing?
SWOT Analysis - Threats
Having already investigated the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities facing Tesco you should have some good ideas about the threats facing it. Concentrate especially on the threats from other companies. For instance, investigate how Tesco's financial products compare with those from more established providers. A SWOT analysis must consider all the competition in