This module assists exporters and BSOs in developing countries in becoming familiar with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a wine exporter planning to target the Polish market. It also helps DC exporters to make a SWOT analysis, specific to their company.
A SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis helps you to audit your company in relation to market developments and competitors on selected markets. The SWOT shown below visualises external aspects (opportunities and threats) on the Polish market and internal aspects (strengths and weaknesses) of your company, both affecting your market entry. You are only in control of internal elements. You can adapt and improve their intrinsic quality according to market trends, and the resulting opportunities and threats, in your target markets. In Figure 1 you can find a SWOT analysis for a DC exporter of wine to Poland. Note that this analysis is generalised, and should be used only as an example. The CBI Export Marketing Planner (available at offers tools to help you make the SWOT analysis specific to your company and your target market. Firstly, the 5Ms methodology helps you audit your company on the basis of five variables; Men (human resources), Means (resources), Methods (management and process performance), Machines, and Measurables (marketing impact, customer and employee satisfaction, qualitative certifications). Secondly, you can apply the value chain approach to analyse all value-addition activities of your company. Identifying external factors is done through a market audit. The character of all these elements is that they are beyond your control. You cannot influence them. The market dictates the rules of the global play you are about to enter. The key question here is: can you deal with the market trends? Do the trends offer you chances or challenges for export success? Together with the competitor analysis, it will