Extension Division
BUSA 40435
Financial Decision Making
Summer 2011 Section# 082608
Instructor: George A. Haloulakos, MBA, CFA Contact Info: 425/241-5016, Haloulakos@gmail.com
Welcome to UCSD Extension’s Financial Decision Making course. My basic approach to the subject matter is that theory which cannot be practiced is not good theory, BUT practice that is not based on theory [i.e., a logical, independently verifiable analytic framework] is not good practice. Thus we will strive for a balance of both theory and practice to provide a rigorous, comprehensive course. Please review the following syllabus and let me know if you have any questions or comments. I will do everything I can to make sure that this course will be a profitable and enjoyable learning experience for each and every member of the class. Please also remember that I am here to support you in the pursuit of your educational goals.
This course carries three quarter units of credit.
Meeting Time: Thursday, 5:45 PM to 8:45 PM
Dates: July 14, 2011 – September 8, 2011
Location: University City Center - 303
Required Text:
Financial Decision Making (2010), by Dan Goldzband,CMA. This is a custom casebook in UCSD bookstore. ISBN: 9780100723818.
Recommended Book:
Dollar$ and Sense: A Workbook on the ABCs of Investments, by George A. Haloulakos, MBA, CFA (Bellevue, WA: Spartan Research and Consulting, Inc., 2002) ISBN: 9780-1007-2482-2
Available from the UCSD Bookstore -- Course Materials Department
UCSD Bookstore, M.C. 0008, University of California-San Diego
Email: custom@ad.ucsd.edu
Phone 858.534.7963, Fax 858.822.0261, bookstore.ucsd.edu
Suggested Text:
Effective Writing: A Handbook for Accountants (May and May)
Suggested supplemental reading:
Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, and the business section of any major metropolitan newspaper.