Syllable is a unit of human speech that is interpreted by the listener as a single sound. Every word in English is made up of one or more syllables. A syllable consists of vowels and consonants. The central element of a syllable is normally a vowel sound and the marginal elements are usually consonants. At times a single vowel itself can constitute a syllable. In India, languages are syllable-timed languages so uniform stress is given to different syllables. English, on the contrary, is a stress-timed language in which there exists a distinction between strong and weak syllables.
To understand the nature of syllables in English
To understand the differences between strong and weak syllables
To understand the differences between strong and weak forms
Syllabic Division:
Monosyllabic Words (A word with one-syllable)
Disyllabic Words (A word with two-syllables)
Trisyllabic Words (A word with three-syllables)
Polysyllabic Words (A word with three-syllables or more than three)
Polysyllabic Words
back ar cade ar cher y
Spee do me ter
Arc tic ar ma da rea so na ble
badge ar gue ar se nic a quar i um
bag ar mor ar ter y a vi a tion
ban ar my ar ti stic ci vi li an
band ar son ar se nal co me di an
bang ar tist ar ti cle con ve ni ent
bank bar ber bar be cue e spi o nage*
bask bar gain car a mel ex te ri or
bass bar ley car di ac ex pe ri ence
bash bar ter car di gan fa mi li ar
bat car bon car di nal gla di a tor
batch car cass car na tion hu mi li ate
bath card board car ni val i di o tic
black car go car pen ter im pe ri al
bland car pet guar di an in fe ri or
blank car ton har mo ny in gre di ant
blast car toon kar a te in som ni a
brag cart wheel mar gar ine in te ri or
bran char coal par ti cle leu ke