General Chemistry Laboratory I
Prerequisite: Credit for Chem 101 or Chem 103 taken at Fisher, or transfer credit for the first semester of general chemistry lecture, or concurrent registration in Chem 103.
Course description: Chem 103L complements the first semester of general chemistry. Students will conduct laboratory experiments in order to observe phenomena discussed in lecture and to gain practice in lab procedures. Much emphasis is placed on the ability to produce well-written and detailed lab reports.
Course format: Students will perform labs in small groups. Reports will be submitted individually, except where noted by the instructor.
Materials: Each student must have chemical splash goggles which meet the ANSI Z87.1 standard and a bound notebook which makes duplicate copies (spiral or loose-leaf notebooks are not acceptable). A copy of each experiment, the lab report format description, and other useful information are available on Blackboard.
Attendance: Attendance is required. If you miss lab, you must contact Prof. Eaton ( to try to arrange a time to make up the missed lab work in another lab section. You must make up the missed lab during the week that the experiment was scheduled to be performed. If you do not make up the missed experiment during the week that the experiment was scheduled to be performed, it is possible that you will NOT be able to make up the experiment and will receive a zero grade for the experiment. If you know ahead of time that you will be missing a lab contact Prof. Eaton asap. Make up times are on a first come first serve basis. Also, if the excuse for your absence is deemed unacceptable, you will receive a zero grade for the missed experiment.
Laboratory Safety Policies: You must take and pass the safety quiz, given immediately after the safety lecture. The following policies apply at all times. Additional safety guidelines specific to