Spring, 2015
Instructor Information
Name: Dr. Nizar Zaarour
E-mail address:
Office: 214 Hayden Hall
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 12 – 2 PM and by appointment.
Course Overview
The objectives of this course are:
(1) To provide you with an understanding of statistical methods and techniques and their usefulness in the decision-making process,
(2) To expose you to the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics and how can be used to solve business problems,
(3) To improve upon your data analysis and computer skills,
(4) To help you develop the skills to recognize the appropriate statistical tool to analyze business problems, and
(5) To provide you with the necessary tools for critical evaluation, correct interpretation, and presentation of the results of statistical analyses.
Textbook and Software
1) Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, 7th Edition, by Ken Black, (Wiley).
2) Microsoft Excel.
Course Organization
The course web page is located in the Blackboard system at Course materials and announcements will be posted on the course site. A Blackboard tutorial is available at
The textbook is quite easy to read and covers a lot of ground. However, some of the topics are not covered in depth. Class discussions, handouts, and my lecture notes will fill these gaps.
Course Policies
• Please display your nameplate in every class session until the end of the semester.
• You are expected to read through the assigned chapters and familiarize yourself with the content before class.
• Please turn off cell phones, pagers, and BlackBerries during class. Out of courtesy to your classmates and your instructor, please come to class on time and do not leave until the class ends, unless you’ve obtained prior permission, and do not engage in private conversations in