The certified learning goals for 355:101 are:
1. To communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English, to a general audience.
2. To evaluate and critically assess sources and use the conventions of attribution and citation correctly.
3. To analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new insights.
Note: During any time, I reserve the right to amend the following syllabus at my and the department’s discretion.
Course Description and Goals
In this course, you will read and write about a variety of texts, covering interesting and fascinating issues germane to our social, political, and cultural environments. The course goals include helping you to read carefully, think critically, and write interpretively and effectively, creating an independent and valid argument that synthesizes multiple sources.
Required Texts
Miller and Spellmeyer, The New Humanities Reader, 5th Edition
Kirszner and Mandell, The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook
Selected student papers to demonstrate and correct errors, or as models of strong writing
Course Requirements
Write a first day writing sample.
Read six selections from The New Humanities Reader.
Write 5 out-of-class essays, minimum of 5 typed pages each.
Write a typed rough and final draft for each assignment and demonstrate significant revision between drafts.
Take two in-class final exams. You must take the mid-term (graded pass or fail) exam to pass the course. You must take and pass the final exam to pass the course.
Keep all rough and final drafts in a folder, for two ‘Folder Reviews’.
Regularly check your Sakai Course Site at, using your Rutgers Net ID and password to log into Sakai, and your Rutgers e-mail account to receive e-mail notifications from your Sakai Course Site.
The final grade will be determined by noting your highest rate of sustained achievement during the course.
You must complete the