BIT – School of Business
(Affiliated to Gondwana University, Gadchiroli)
A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi Approved Courses
Syllabus of MBA SEM I
Name of Student:-…………………………………………..
Roll Number:-…………………………………………………
Paper C11: Principles of Business Management
Unit I: Basic Concept of Management: - Nature, definition and importance of management, Purpose and scope of management, Functions of management, Management: science or art, Management and Administration,
Case Study: Professionalism of management in India.
Unit II: Evolution & Development of Management Thought - Scientific management;
Contribution of Taylor, Fayol, Mary Follet, Elton Mayo, Peter F. Druckar; Hawthorne experiments, Contingency approach. Management ethics and Management Culture, skills required by Manager, methods of skill development,
Case study: Comparative study of main features of Japanese Management and Z culture of American Companies.
Unit III: Management Planning & Decision Making – Meaning, Definition, characteristics of planning, objectives of planning , Nature of planning, Importance and Advantages of planning Steps in planning process, Limitations of planning, Essentials of a good planning, Concept, characteristics of decision Making, Types of decisions, Steps Involved in decision making, Importance of decision making, Innovation and Creativity in Decision making .
Case study-Strategic planning in Indian Industry, MBO
Unit IV: Organisation, Coordination & Direction - Concepts, Principle of organization,
Importance, Features of good organization structure, Types of Organisation structure.
Coordination – An essence of Management, Importance and need for coordination, Principles of coordination, Methods of achieving effective coordination; Meaning of direction, Importance and Principles of direction, Characteristics of good directives.
Unit V: Authority and Responsibility - Authority, Responsibilities and
References: 1. Akhileshwar Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business, TMH, 3/e, 2009 2 3. Kuchal: Business Law, Vikas, 2009 4 5. N.D.Kapoor: Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2009. . 2. S. Sudalaimuthu, S.Anthony Raj. 2008, “Computer Application in Business”, Himalaya Publishing House 3 4. Lucas, H. C. Jr. (2004). Information technology for management. (7th ed.). New Delhi: TMH 5