ACCT 372: Internal Reporting Issues
Dr. Cecil W. Jackson
Office: ACC 110
Office Hours: M/W 2:15-3:30pm:
Phone: (213) 740-5020
Section #: 14050 Day/Time: T/Th 10:00 - 11:50am Room #: ACC 303
Section #: 14051 Day/Time: T/Th 12:00 - 1:50pm Room #: ACC 303
Section #: 14052 Day/Time: T/Th 4:00 - 5:50pm Room #: ACC 303
EMERGENCY INFO -- (213) 740-9233
OR USC RADIO 91.5 FM, RAN -- (213) 740-2311
1. Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions: Kinney, and Raiborn, Cengage Publishing (Thomson South Western) 8th Ed.
Recommended Reading:
1. Atkinson, Banker, Kaplan and Young: Management Accounting, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall.
To familiarize students with the concepts and uses of accounting data for managerial planning, control and decision-making. This course emphasizes the collection and analysis of cost data for the purpose of achieving firm objectives. It focuses on the development of product cost information that will be useful for profit maximization in managerial decisions in the realm of price setting, determination of product mix, and in cost minimization actions.
1. All reading and written assignments should be prepared for the class as assigned.
2. Grades will be based on the following:
45% Mid-Term Examination
45% Final Examination
5% Class Participation
5% Essay
Final letter grades will be assigned based on a curve giving and average GPA of approximately 3.30. The average will be consistent with the grading policies of the Leventhal School of Accounting
Policy Regarding Make-up Exams:
It is to your advantage to take all exams as