: Daniel A. Krasner.
: CN 303F
: (303)5565129
Office Hours
: MW 11:00am12:15pm, TR 12:301:45pm, and by appointment
: Texts
The System of Nature
, Vol. 1, Baron D’Holbach;
Meditations on First Philosophy
, René
Natural Theology
, William Paley, and various papers on electronic reserve. To find papers on electronic reserve, go to the Auraria Library website (accessible through the main
University website or ConnectU), and click on “Search Course Reserves” on the left. Course Prerequisites: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests Course Description: This is a first philosophy course designed to introduce students to basic philosophical issues, primarily in the areas of metaphysics (what there is) and epistemology (how we know). This course covers fundamental questions such as, for example: “Do humans possess free will or is everything a matter of causal necessity?” or “Is there a God or an afterlife?”
Important cultural achievements, in the form of original and complete works, will be emphasized. Course Objectives: 1. a. Identify central philosophical topics and problems, especially those of a continuing nature. b. Employ and utilize key terminology and technical vocabulary unique to philosophy, including biographical information and historical detail as relevant.
2. a. Criticize possible answers and proposed techniques for answering philosophical problems. b. Suggest and consider alternate solutions that may involve either the reformulation or the rejection of the question under consideration.
3. a. Apply some theoretical considerations to either history or practice. b. Frame and evaluate the conflicting claims of philosophical reflection in contradistinction to art, science and religion. Course Outline and Readings