To begin with, Suicide is high in cause of deaths, primarily in teens ranging from thirteen through nineteen. Teens go through stress, bullying, and heartbreaks various reasons that may cause them to want to take their life. Suicide has not always been a detrimental deed or a sin to God, back in history suicide was considered an honorable way to die (Moss, Joyce, and George Wilson). In The Bell Jar Plath incorporates symbolism, symbolism of waves to express the amount of illness she had(Sylvia Plath, 23). When a vast wave from the ocean or beach comes rolling in everything beneath the blue ocean water comes spitting out and once the wave goes back down everything is left soggy and flimsy. When Plath would hurl she felt limp like items just being washed up …show more content…
The jar that is mentioned in the title The Bell Jar is the symbolization of Plath feeling as if she was suffocating in all her problems as if she was stuck in a jar (Gillespie, John T, and Corinne J. Naden). Several problems can cause you to have this effect, when people feel like there is no one to help it gives them another reason to think that taking their life is fine. Various males and females do commit this mournful action, but umpteen males do commit this compared to the amount of females that do (Moss, Joyce, and George