that carry meaning for people and cultures (Soc-101 class notes), which mean symbols will vary from different people groups and cultures. Society is affected by symbols because “without symbols, we could not coordinate our actions with those of others” (Henslin 23). Two of the main sociological theories, symbolic interactionism and conflict theory, can also be applied to the topic of global poverty.
There are many symbols that can be used to describe global poverty, including money, food, dumps, and crowded living conditions. Money greatly changes how individuals interact with each other, either for the positive or the negative. Food is a symbol because some individuals have problems getting food for their family and also other families and farmers are affected because of surplus of imported food. In some countries, like India, children will actually go through hazardous dumps looking food and other items, which is a direct representation of poverty. Finally, are the dirty, cramped living conditions that children and families who live in poverty have to stay in. Poverty can greatly affect social relationships, and it can tear apart families and friends. Also, people affected by poverty can have a lower self-esteem and may have a sense of hopelessness that their situation will never …show more content…
change. Next, the conflict theory can be used to explain global poverty.
Global poverty is all about the division of the rich and the poor. The wealthy in power want to make sure they stay in power. The scarce resources that are competed for are food, money, and equal rights. People in poverty are competing for food in order to feed themselves and their families. They are also competing for money in order to survive, but those in power are also competing for money to continue getting wealthier and preserving their control. Exploited people are competing for equal rights, and to not be taken advantage of by others. Those affected by poverty are vying for change. They want to improve their economies, and get rid of the people in power who are exploiting
them. Global poverty is a universal issue, consisting of many aspects; none of which have definite solutions. More than one billion people are affected by poverty, and through stratification it is perpetuated. Poverty can be interpreted through many sociological concepts and theories, leading to a better understanding of the topic. Global poverty is not an issue that can be eliminated overnight, but by people doing their part to help solve the problem, and standing up for change maybe one day the severity of poverty will lessen.