The ''Greasy Lake" seems to be influence by Bruce Springsteen ''Spirit in the Night". It is like used an epigraph from his song even though its not about the characters of the story. The characters and actions are completely made up. The ''Greasy Lake'' seemed to just imitate the song and take on its a free spirit.…
The Chevy owner is a tough muscular character. The biker, whom is regarded as a bad older character, is said to be dangerous. The vehicles are a representation of the individuals who drive them. Another symbol of danger the young men face is Greasy Lake itself. The lake is described as being "fetid and murky, the mud banks glittering with broken glass and strewn with beer cans" (Boyle 189). It is a sign that nothing good lies within. Several times throughout the story, Boyle refers to not only the main characters as being greasy, but also describes a variety of other people in the same way. This ties the lake and the greasy characters together. It is ironic that not only is the lake named Greasy Lake, but the individuals who hang out there are also referred to as being greasy characters as well. This led to violent subsequent events later on in the story, as the narrator gets chased and beaten up, and during these events, the narrator realizes he was indeed a bad kid, but learns through the tough way that there are even worse people in this…
Through reading “Greasy Lake” by T. Coraghessan Boyle it is easy to conclude that all three characters (Jeff, Digby, and the narrator) think they are bad, by what was mentioned in the beginning of the short story by the narrator saying “We were bad (Boyle 1).” Bad according to Webster dictionary can be define as having a wicked or evil character (Bad). With this definition in mind, it does not really describe any one character in “Greasy Lake.” Digby and his cohorts all think they are bad by the narrators description of the whole group by saying “We wore torn-up leather jackets… and drank gin and grape juice, Tango, Thunderbird, and Bali Hai (Boyle 1).” The scene…
The narrator of T.C. Boyle 's "Greasy Lake" appears to be the ultimate rebel upon first glance. The unnamed main character goes out of his way to appear "bad" to his friends and anyone around him. The narrator explains that he wore leather jackets, drove his parents ' station wagon and drank gin and grape juice to produce the effect of being intimidating and cool to others. By the end of the story when the narrator has the chance to continue his false image of being a badass, he decides to take another route.…
The “Greasy Lake” was told in a first-person narrator that was left unnamed. The author choice to write about the character who was talking about their rebellious faze of their life. From this point of view you can tell as if the character is telling someone of their teenage years and all they dumb things they did in order to be cool. For example, “We wore torn-up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed was cocaine.” (306) this shows how they wanted to give off the look of being a bad boy but wanted to seem to be cool with their friends. Reading the story as if it was coming from the characters own mouth, made the tale more real instead of the possibility that it was made…
In this story, there are many symbolism that the author uses. The term "Greasy" means messy, dirty, and not clean. The term "Lake" means clean, pure, and blue. It is very ironic how these two terms go together.…
Imagine being so overcome with challenges in order to survive. Would one give up or be persistent? This decision was very difficult for the characters, Nya and Salva. They both had to persevere through obstacles to survive. Nya is a young girl living in Sudan.…
Greasy Lake by T. Coraghesan Boyle’s is the story of a group of adolescents, searching for the one situation that will proclaim them as bad boys and how their minds change. The greasy lake is a short story which the narrator uses details, imagination and language to describe and represent the moral condition of each character. Also, during the story the narrator shows us how each character becomes closer to maturity after facing a crazy and unexpected night in a local lake, where we are all witness to and extreme change in their lives causes by immature action.…
Thomas John Boyle’s short story “Greasy Lake” is about a troubled, rebellious, out of control teen that learns that being “bad” is not at all what it cuts out to be. Through the gloomy narrative the protagonist goes from having a pleasurable worry free time into a horrific night that will be forever haunting to him and his juvenile friends Digby and Jeff. In this complicated story these “bad” characters nearly took a man’s life away, all from an easy joke they thought they were performing on their pal Tony Lovett. Little did they know this prank they were playing on Tony Lovett was inaccurate; reality set in and they established they were performing a prank on another “bad” character that banged these immature kids up. The most important theme to this story is living worry free, dangerous, and carelessly will escort an individual to a life they do not want, or willing to live. This paper will elucidate how epiphany, dynamic character and foreshadowing ties into the theme of the story.…
My intent is to share with you comparisons of what the author portrays his characters to be rather than who hey really are. Allusion played a significant role in how the author described a theme throughout this story where the characters thought of themselves as the epitome of being bad in the short story “Greasy Lake”(Boyle).…
It led to him almost killing a man and raping a woman, and would not have forced him to submerge into the murky waters of Greasy Lake, but it did allow him to “emerge with a cleansed sense of maturity and understanding”(Ganter). He realizes how dirty and unpleasant Greasy Lake is and after seeing the dead man floating in the lake what happens to the people who frequent it. And because Greasy Lake is a physical symbol of the lifestyle that the narrator lives. The fact that he realizes how repulsing the lake is is a self-realization that his lifestyle is the…
The third night of summer the narrator and three boys take off looking for adventure in their “parents whining station wagon”(S1) (Boyle 77). The narrator characterizes himself as a “dangerous character” (Boyle 77) although driving his parent’s station wagon hardly counts as being dangerous. The narrator and two of his friends drive up to “Greasy Lake” looking for something to do. “The Indians had called it Wakan a reference to the clarity of its waters” (Boyle 77) (S2). The once clear waters refers to the current state of the boys and the lake described now as “fetid and murky” (Boyle 77) (S3) refers…
The unnamed narrator and protagonist from the short story, “Greasy Lake,” by T.C. Boyle makes a shocking display of immaturity in youth. The protagonist is introduced as an upper-middle class male with lower class intentions. In pursuit of some late-night fun at the local hangout, he and his two comrades encounter a little more mischief than they were hoping for. Quickly, his rebellion against society leaves him in a dangerous and unforgiving position that causes him to rethink his outlook on life.…
T.C Boyle's, "Greasy Lake," focuses on the conflicts of three 19-year olds, set in the 1960s, between their perceived self-image and the true self within. The story tells the tale of three young kids, fueled with cheap lemon-flavored gin, a lingering high, and a hunger for danger. Bored on during their third night of summer vacation, the boys decide to go to the local…
Greasy lakes is an excellent yet outrageous story, due to the descriptions and comparisons that Tom Coraghessan Boyle throws at his readers. Its these mysterious descriptions and comparisons, that hold the key in identifying the hidden symbols in this story. Three major symbols are the name Greasy, the narrator gives the lake, the lake itself and how the narrator‘s filth reflects on the lake , and the mislaid car keys. These symbols played an immense part in the revelation of the narrorator “bad character”.…