English 1302
!. They are waiting for Dee which is mama’s daughter and Maggie’s sister.
2. Their house burned down. Maggie was burned by the fire; it traumatized her.
3. The mama thinks that her yard is nice and clean. She also thinks that it is comfortable enough to be considered an extension of the living room.
4. Mama imagines her reunion with Dee to be like some of the shows they show on television. She imagines herself to be the way her daughter, Dee, would want her to be. She mentions that she would be a hundred pounds lighter, skin like uncooked barley pancakes, and hair shinning in the lights.
5. Mama is large woman with rough, man working hands, and she states that she wears overalls during the day.
6. Mama describes Dee with having a nice figure, light skin, and good …show more content…
Dee returned home wearing a very bright and colorful dress that went all the way to the ground. Dee renamed herself, Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo.
8. Dee takes pictures of her mother, sister, and especially the house. The house is symbolic to Dee’s heritage.
9. The significance of the Polaroid camera is to help preserve Dee’s culture and her up bringing in her superficial, modern world.
10. She wanted to ask Dee’s friend was he a barber but she figured he was not.
11. Mama wanted to know if Dee and her friend were married but they did not tell her so she did not ask.
12. While they were having dinner Dee walked over to the corner where the churn sat and asked for the churn top and the dasher. Dee had her hand on her Grandma Dee’s butter dish prior to seeking the churn top and dasher.
13. Dee also wanted two quilts that were quilted by Grandma Dee, Big Dee, and mama.
14. The quilts were special because they were made out of things that were passed on for generations and generations.
15. Mama promised the quilts to Maggie after Dee declined it.
16. She snatched the quilts out of Wangero hands and placed them in Maggie’s