The pink ribbons are a symbolic figure representing faith and sin. The pink ribbons symbolize faith and sin because if you mix the color of faith which is white and the color of sin which is red it makes pink, thus it give us the pink ribbons. Also the pink ribbons are worn by Young Goodman Brown’s wife which happens to …show more content…
The staff is described as being a dark and dangerous snake that can be seen to twist and wriggle. Although Young Goodman Brown did not want to continue the path he would always be offered the staff by the devil and Young Goodman Brown would continue walking. “Sit here and rest yourself a while; and when you feel like moving again, there is my staff to help you along” (paragraph 29 page 4). If Young Goodman Brown were to grab the staff it would be him committing a sin just like the people before him. But Young Goodman Brown represents the good in people.
First of all if you break down his name it literally states that he is a young good-man. Young Goodman Brown symbolizes the innocence of people being challenged by the devil’s malicious sins. Young Goodman Brown can also be seen as to symbolize people’s thoughts or ideas on evil. He does not want to take the path because he is scared and is not willing to surrender himself to the devil.
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writing would not have been a successful story without the usage of symbolism. There were many different types of symbols from playing an enormous role or playing a petite roll such as the pink ribbons, the staff, the devil, faith, and Young Goodman Brown himself. The theme is portrayed by the symbols that is why it is such a big deal that the symbols are used in the