Symbolism in the film Patton When watching the final scene in the film Patton, The symbolic meaning that popped out at me was Patton’s belief in reincarnation. As Patton is walking through the open field with his dog, this is symbolizing that he has fought and lived through many battles. The soundtrack played as Patton is walking away from the third army through an empty pasture of rolling hills gave me a feeling of accomplishment. It is happy music and a sense of freedom for general Patton. The image where you could see Patton walking and the windmill spinning symbolized the passing of time and reinforced the fact that he had been through many battles, with many more to come. The image of the pasture could have also meant that Patton believes that the pasture was a place where ancient ruins once stood and that he is a soldier who has lived through many battles. The windmill that slowing fades on and off the camera shot could also represent many things about general Patton. The turning of a windmill can mean growing wealth and satisfaction; It can also mean determination and achievement through hard work. In the last scene I believe that the windmill is symbolizing Patton’s hard work and his accomplishments throughout the war. I also believe that walking a white dog through the pasture after leaving the third army symbolizes he believes in reincarnation and will live to see another battle. A birds eye camera shot was taken in the last scene, I believe this was done show the entirety of the landscape, the windmill, and to show general Patton walking off into the distance. As that camera shot was being done there was a musical score that gave the viewer a sense of accomplishment for general Patton.