
Symbolism In Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself

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Symbolism In Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself
What is our purpose in life? What makes our environment around us different than everywhere else? Walt Whitman answers this in his poem “Song of Myself” by analyzing the importance of all the small, inconspicuous details of our lives and the connection it has to our Earth. In “Song of Myself”, every small thing (down to the atom) makes up the world and all the people inside of it. Walt Whitman makes it known that the way we live here shapes the earth and everything around us.
Whitman uses symbolism by “/observing a spear of summer grass” (5). The single blade represents how a small piece of grass is one thing that makes up this earth we live on and every small thing is what makes our planet special. Noticing the smallest and most underestimated

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