
Symbolism Of The Pentangle In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Symbolism Of The Pentangle In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Summary: The article “Symbolism of the Pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” examines the significance of the Pentagram. It is a symbol that signifies truth, which is essentially more than just its denotative meaning. The central idea revolves around the Pentagram fabricating a type of blueprint for the chivalric code. In addition, the five fives embodying the concept of chivalric Truth is covered.

Connection to Novel: This article connects to the poem in the sense that “Gawain is morally tested throughout his quest, and the one attribute with which he struggles is in telling the truth” (Baker). Bearing the emblem of the Pentagram, the knight is expected to honor the code of chivalry. However, his morals are second-guessed as Gawain

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