Version 14-01, Mr. Raun Watson, DTAC, 913.684.2422
Welcome to the P920 Preparatory Symbology Lesson. This is your introduction to or review of US Army Symbology.
This lesson consists of eight sections dealing with operational terms, military symbols, and specific symbols for units, individuals, organizations, equipment, installations, activities, control measures, tactical mission tasks, and task organization composition. While these sections do not include every possible symbol for every possible context, the rules for building specific sets of military symbols are provided, and they will serve as a doctrinal foundation for future needs.
At the end of this lesson, you should have a good appreciation for the role of operational terms and symbols in enhancing your ability to doctrinally portray operational graphics. A practical exercise is provided at the end of this Lesson to assess your learning.
The primary references for symbology and terminology are:
ADRP 1-02, Operational Terms and Military Symbols, August 2012.
ADRP 3-90, Offense and Defense, August 2012.
FM 3-90.6, Brigade Combat Team, September 2010.
Version 14-01, Mr. Raun Watson, DTAC, 913.684.2422
This lesson consists of eight sections:
Framed and Unframed Military Symbols
Units, Individuals, and Organization Symbols
Equipment Symbols
Installation Symbols
Activity Symbols
Control Measure Symbols
Tactical Mission Task Symbols
Task Organization Composition Symbols
Lesson material on each slide contains a doctrinal reference at the bottom right corner which indicates the title, date, page or pages (p. or pp.), paragraph (para), or a specific figure (fig) from the source reference.
A P920 library that contains the most current doctrinal publications is provided in the left hand menu.
Framed and Unframed Military Symbols
Units, Individuals, and Organization Symbols
Equipment Symbols