Often times anxiety is caused by a medical condition. "Certain medicines have side effects that can cause or make anxiety worse" (HealthWise Staff). Medications for blood pressure, thyroid, or asthma are known as only some to possibly cause anxiety symptoms. There could also be a problem with your brain chemistry. With Generalized Anxiety Disorder, some patients were found to have abnormal neurotransmitter levels in their brains which were causing the excessive anxiety. "When neurotransmitters are not working properly, the brain's internal communication network breaks down, and the brain may react in an inappropriate way in some situations" (Peter Crosta). "Overactive thyroid, COPD, abnormalities of the heart, IBS, or chronic pain can all…
When someone is in a stressful situation, their body releases the hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and…
Anxiety is a form of depression and has several different forms. It affects millions of people in the world and is both a physical and mental issue. There 7 different types of anxiety that scientist know of right now. When a person has anxiety they tend to not feel good about themselves and it affects their daily life. A person suffering from anxiety can't live a normal happy life due to feeling nervous or letting their fear get the best of them. People with anxiety normally diagnose themselves because it's very easy to know whether you have anxiety or not. The biggest thing that comes with having anxiety are panic attacks, some can be so severe that you have to go seek medical care.…
Anxiety usually develops when someone is facing something that is out of their comfort zone and therefore can be many challenging situations. For example, if you were to take an exam, attend an interview or give a speech. It affects people in different ways because for some, these situations can be considered…
There is not an exact cause of Agoraphobia. Panic may become a learned behavior. Agoraphobia sometimes occurs when a person has had a panic attack and begins to fear situations that might lead to another panic attack (Taylor CT, 2012). Agoraphobia also tends to run in families and sometimes has a…
Anxiety is a negative emotional state with feelings of worry, nervousness, and apprehension associated with activation or arousal of the body. The body can be aroused in any stressful situation. Stress is defined as…
Anxiety Disorder is common and perfectly normal for a person to have fears and to have stressful events that happen to them. Anxiety has an effect on any one of the mental disorders. In there disorders people sufferer experiences mild to severe fear or dread, The fear or dread causes distress or anxiety is a common emotion. It is often accompanied by physical feelings of nervousness and urges to escape or avoid a seemingly threatening situation. Anxiety can be useful when it helps individual notice and escape something that is dangerous. It can also experience may include delivering a speech or performing athletically or mentally. Anxiety becomes a problem when it consistently interfers with normal life. It also becomes a problem when it occurs in response to object or situations that are dangerous or in response to nothing at all. Theses are some anxiety disorders.…
Tonight we learnt about anxiety and how it can affect us. Anxiety is a state of displeasure, fear or concern. Anxiety is normal when reacting to stress but when anxiety becomes excessive it can affect a person’s life for the worse. Fear is a natural behaviour when a threat is present whereas anxiety is usually related to a feeling of loss on control or an unavoidable situation. An example of this would be going out in public, this is an unavoidable situation but for an agoraphobic this can cause a high state of anxiety.…
Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States, and like many mental illnesses, anxiety is hereditary. This mental illness arises in response to apparently innocuous situations and is the product of subjective, internal, and emotional conflicts the causes of which may not be apparent to the person himself. Anxiety affects people differently, some people's anxiety arises in the course of daily life and is considered normal. (Anxiety) Anxiety can be known as a phobia (when unreasonable evoked by a specific object of event), but in regular terms a free-floating-persistent associated with no particular cause or mental concern. This illness is an adaptive mechanism that signals a potentially harmful internal or external change and…
The numerous physical symptoms of a panic attack are extremely intense and debilitating. They include but are not limited to: heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, chocking sensation, nausea, and dizziness. These symptoms are accompanied by the psychological sensations of fear, detachment from ones surroundings and paranoia. These symptoms seem to appear out of nowhere and can occur anywhere, which creates extreme anxiety before during and after the attack. It is quite common for a person to have a single panic attack in a time of great stress or fear, however when an individual has repeated attacks it could indicate panic disorder. Laura Freberg, states that panic disorder occurs “when repeated panic attacks are followed by at least one month of worrying about having another attack.”…
Anxiety disorders are disruptive feelings of fear, apprehension, or anxiety, or they can also be explained as distortions in behavior that are anxiety related (Coon, Mitterer, 2013, p.480). Some anxiety disorders involve feelings of panic while others show as phobias or overwhelming…
The short stories Night Surf and The Fun Fair both have a similar element of knowing that death will come soon and it cannot be escaped. However, their endings have an interesting message for their readers to see weather it’s convincing or not. These stories have different approaches and reactions upon the truth about every person in this world is going to die sooner or later. A unique style of observing the characters, plot, and point of view are the main components of looking on weather one of the stories are most convincing or not. To begin with, in the short story.…
We all worry at times. Occasionally for good reason. But worrying can get way out of hand. Worrying and anxiety are intimately related. Anxiety can manifest in many ways, including persistent, excessive worrying.…
Signs of anxiety can be triggered by an event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. Examples of normal stress and anxiety include worrying about finding a job, feeling nervous before a big test, or being embarrassed…
According to Websters Dictionary, anxiety is defined as, “an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it.”…