Wilms tumor is a type of cancer that is located in one of the kidney or both of them. This type of kidney cancer mainly effects younger children below 5 years old. Symptoms can include swelling in the
abdominals, pain, fever, blood in the urine, feeling nauseas, and vomiting, Treatment includes surgery to remove the tumor, sometimes complete kidney has to be removed, chemo therapy and radiation.
Renal calculi is the medical term for kidney stone. The stones start to create from minerals and acid salt, directly inside of the kidney. Stones size can vary; larger stones could cause blockage in the urinary tract. Symptoms of kidney stones can include: Severe and sudden pain (if larger stone try to pass through the urinary tract), nausea, vomiting, sweating and blood in the urine. Treatment can vary, for most kidney stones drinking lots of fluid will help to pass the stones and medication. For larger stones that cause blockage in the urinary tract a medical procedure is necessary to remove the stone. An example would be a Shockwave lithotripsy (break down the stones into small pieces) sometimes surgery is needed to remove the stone. (ureterscopic)