The religious tradition syncretism is the …show more content…
Yet when you take away all the details, there leaves a few differences. At first glance, most religions may seem unrelated, but if you look closer you will find a parallel of information. For instance, the Voodoo and early Christianity. Opposite of what most people believe, Voodoo and early Christianity are closely related to one another. Both these religions stem from the same source. They established based on the same foundation. Both religions were established from the belief that communication between the human world and a higher being is done through the use of a worldly being or representative. These religions are known for maintaining its loyalty to principle; while mixing new beliefs. In essence, Voodoo and Christianity both are separate but equal religions. Two separate religions build from an equal …show more content…
The tradition of religious syncretism is when an origin religious thought or belief is mix with a new thought or belief to develop a new religion. Religious syncretism has its advantages and disadvantages. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam resembles, yet the three religions contrast. Judaism precedes Christianity and Islam suggesting that the Judaism belief was adopted then merged with Christianity and Islam. Judaism, said to be the earliest belief, have faith in one God, studies from the Jewish book called Torah, and subscribes to Abraham and Moses as prophets. Christianity, which came along afterwards also believes in the Judaism belief with a mix of its own idea of thoughts the Jesus is the son of God and the New Testament as a part of the book called the Bible and Islam, although compatible to Judaism and Christianity combined new thoughts. Islam felt the need to modify Judaism and Christianity; so it took the premise of the Judaism religion and as far as it was concern made it better by changing the name of to God to Allah and learned the laws of the Koran. As a result, the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are syncretistic religion. They are rooted from the Judaism belief system, in conjunction with its own belief system to develop a new. With all things considered, the tradition of religious syncretism makes it hard for believers like me to understand and