Financial market is one of the markets where there is lots of option for the Company, because this market is at the starting point or at the initial stage. ICICI prudential is a part of these financial markets who is selling the insurance as well as the mutual fund. The financial market mainly depend upon the investor who have the power of money to invest into the market in the form of insurance or mutual funds, and our objective was to find out investor who can be the future client of the company, our project "Synergy of High Net- Worth Individuals (HNI) With their Distribution Channel" ,which mainly focus on finding out the investment behaviors of the HNI clients, their mode of investment , and the people who can change their financial decision, because most of the HNI client usually take the Advice of the people who are close to them ,and has the knowledge about the financial market.
Theory and Concept
Financial market is one of the market, which had started to grow a few years ago, and with boom in this sector many private company came into existence, and ICICI prudential is one of them. The Financial market is mainly depend on the people who had enough money to invest, to get a good return out of it and our project aim was to find out those prospect who can invest heavily on the financial market and the source through which we can reach them, such as:-
* Bankers. * Chartered Accountant. * Investment Consultant
It is general known that most of the heavy investor usually consults their bankers, chartered accountant or their Investment Consultant before taking any decision while investing, because they are the people who are generally close to them and know them very well, so our project was to find out, who are the people who can change their decision to ICICI Prudential favour .Most of HNI are usually depend upon their CA, because he is the person who control the financial detail