Introduction 2
1. Synonymy 4 1.1. Definition of synonymy 4 1.2. Types of synonyms 6 1.3. Origin of synonyms 9 1.4. Difficulties connected with distinguishing synonyms 12 1.5. Summing up 13
2. Media discourse 14 2.1. What is media? 14 2.2. What is discourse? 17 2.3. What is media discourse? 19 2.4. Topics of media discourses 20 2.5. Summing up 21 3. Practical part 23
General overview 23
Analysis 26
3.3. Summing up 28
Conclusion 29
Bibliography 30
This course work is devoted to the study of synonymy and the peculiarity of the usage of synonyms in one of the means of communication - media discourse. Synonymy is seen as a linguistic phenomenon which helps to reveal different facets of the designated object through lexical units with a close meaning, on the one hand, and as a linguistic means which plays an important role in the formation of conceptual structure of media discourse and performs a number of pragmatic functions, on the other hand.
The study is relevant due to the particular attention paid to synonymy in modern linguistics. Synonymy is of special interest nowadays as it reflects the possibility of highlighting specific content of lexical units with a close meaning. Due to the wide spread of electronic news sources (news agencies ' websites, electronic versions of major newspapers and magazines) it is particularly important to study the semantic characteristics and pragmatic functions of synonymy in media discourse, whose basic text is a news item.
The aim of this course paper is to determine the semantic potential of synonyms in the electronic version of the English media discourse and the nature of their implementation in the studied form of communication based on the study of their functioning.
The aim of the study
Bibliography: Cruse, A. (1986). Lexical Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cruse, A. (2000). Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Greenbaum, S. (1996). Oxford English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. "Handbook of Orthography and Literacy" edited by R. Malatesha Joshi, P.G. Aaron. (2006). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Lyons, J. (2005). Linguistic Semantics: an Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms (2007). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wiśniewski, K. (2006) Discourse Analysis. Никитина, Е.В. (2004) Семантические и прагматические характеристики лексической синонимии в газетном дискурсе Electronic resources