He uses words to describe their love that meant it would last forever and it was never ending. Towards the end of the poem he begins to use words that are dark and show that their love is dying and that he can no longer love Annabel, because of the tragic disaster. Poe intentionally does not describe Annabel Lee throughout the poem to allow the reader to come up with the image that they want. This image is typically to show that the love is impossible and that he can not have the love that he desires because she is taken away by darkness. The author gives us a little knowledge about his love, he tells us that she is a maiden, which represent the kingdom well. Then he states that “whom you may know” from this we inquire that she is famous and high up in the kingdom. This again brings us …show more content…
When the end approaches the fairytale dream goes down the drain, and is no longer believable. This is when you believe that he will continue to love her even though she is no longer living and here with him. He believes that the spirit of her will always be with him and that he will never be able to replace her, because she is his one and only love. When Poe uses the phrase “wind chilling” the readers can feel Annabel slipping out of his hands. The last three times he mentions Annabel, it's in this repeated line “Of the beautiful Annabel Lee." It's another refrain, in a poem that's full of them. In the last lines, her name becomes an echo, as the speaker builds up into his last sorrows. Her name finally becomes like the words of a spell that he's saying over and over again to try to bring her back. The author uses other words throughout the poem to show that death is occurring without actually stating that death occurs. This is a way of making the poem feel like he lost something important but not to something as tragic as