English 99
Rough Draft Due: November 21st
Final Draft Due: November 26th
You must do research and find TWO - THREE reliable sources dealing with an issue discussed from “Enrique’s Journey.” (1 government document, 1 scholarly source, 1 reputable periodical)
Format: Must be typed using 12 pt font of ‘Times New Roman’ or ‘Arial.’ Paper must be written using Standard MLA formatting. Paper must have a compelling title, a heading that includes your name, the date, the class, and my last name (top left of first page). Paper must have a header with your last name and page number (top right of EVERY page). NO COVER SHEET.
Length: 2-3 pages double spaced, not including Works Cited page.
Content: The thesis must be argumentative w/ both a subject and an assertion that indicates your purpose and answers the question “so what?” Each main point/topic sentence must be relevant to the subject and support the argument being made.
Citing Sources: Each of the sources you use must be listed on the Works Cited page and cited in the body of the essay. Use signal phrases and credentials to introduce sources the first time they are introduced. No more than 20% of the paper should be quotes. Be careful not to plagiarize.
Expectations: One of the most important aspects of this class is the ability to write a synthesis essay. A well-written paper addresses the assignment thoughtfully and analytically, displays awareness of and a sense of purpose in communicating to an audience, establishes a clearly focused controlling idea (an easily identifiable thesis statement that includes both claim and support), demonstrates coherent organization that helps make effective connections between ideas, provides specific detail with compelling support and cogent analysis, cites relevant sources and effectively integrates them into text when appropriate, and displays consistent control of the standard conventions of Standard English. Understand that writing