In the recent times, women’s voices are resonating with louder frequency in the current society in the forms of media, education, and politics. Social media plays a big part of our lives, it’s especially strong for females to try to state their opinion. Education is also a big part in the world, with education women can proceed to higher job positions, and even have a chance to run for the highest position in politics.
Since Social media is a part of everyone, it can influence everyone as well. A TED Talk by Johanna Blakley tells that in the future females will most likely take over social media. Also, she showed us graphs and a lot of research that females use social media way more and more often. With that said, it shows us that women use the social media more so their voices most likely are being heard more. These are great news because for many decades women have pretty much had their mouth taped up.
Nevertheless Media is a great way …show more content…
The highest position in politics is becoming president of the United States. Like always the book Women Across Culture does an incredible job explaining some obstacles that women face and ways that we can fix this system. I was really surprised that only 30% of women needed in the legislative body in order to exert a meaningful influence on politics. I expecting to be closer to 50% but according to United Nations that is the estimate. Females over the years are beginning to reach these heights, with the influence of the media and education. The previous election was a great example of a female who got to the highest position, but in a male dominated government she had a low chance of winning. During her climb she influenced a lot of girls to try to make their voices heard, and I’m sure that it won’t take long before we get our first female