All student must be held accountable for their actions. Of course if we were all to carry out honorable behavior then schools would not need to reprimand students. Except, this is not always the case in today's society. At levels of education lower than high school students who cheat, steal, or even bully tend to not have to deal with any consequences for their unacceptable actions. I think Academic Honor Codes are unnecessary at any level of education lower than high school. However, there should be rules that students need to abide by when it comes to these situations alongside punishment. By doing so that they are preparing students for a successful life where they know that doing things like cheating and stealing will not be
All student must be held accountable for their actions. Of course if we were all to carry out honorable behavior then schools would not need to reprimand students. Except, this is not always the case in today's society. At levels of education lower than high school students who cheat, steal, or even bully tend to not have to deal with any consequences for their unacceptable actions. I think Academic Honor Codes are unnecessary at any level of education lower than high school. However, there should be rules that students need to abide by when it comes to these situations alongside punishment. By doing so that they are preparing students for a successful life where they know that doing things like cheating and stealing will not be