If a person is seen getting robbed, beaten, or stabbed in broad daylight, then the police will surely get called. Now on the flip side if a person is robbed, beaten, or stabbed in the middle of the night, then people are not going to know about it right away. Daylight saving time comes into the equation because it is light for longer hours in a day. As noted by Source C, “The DOT [Department of Transportation] study found that violent crime…was reduced by 10 to 13 percent during periods of daylight saving time.” Criminals fear committing crimes in broad daylight for various reasons like getting caught or getting identified. People often tend to feel better in daylight versus nighttime because who honestly wants to go down a dark alley in the middle of the night. Because of these …show more content…
In the past, when it wasn’t mandatory for the states to participate in daylight savings time, it was up to them to do it. Now we already have time zones meaning that every state has its own separate time to keep up with. Now if it were up to each individual state that is extra time that has to be taken into account when bus schedules are made because of the buses that go across state lines. This causes inconsistencies throughout the whole bus schedules in every state. This angered the Department of Transportation which oversees the bus routes, and this issue resulted in “Congress established…the Uniform Time Act,” (Source A). They did this because the DOT requested for