First, in the article, “School Violence- Family Responsibility”, Patricia Neufeld conducted an experiment to prove that parental involvement can lead to less aggression for the child. Similarly, parents need to recognize positive accomplishments in their children and therefore not focus on what is socially acceptable. Carolyn Pereia suggests, “If key people in a child’s environment give clear and constant signals that violence is not the norm, children will be more likely to develop anti-violent patterns of behavior.” Parents who are more aware of how their kids feel in general and in school can help them to solve the problems that they may be facing before they become violent (Neufeld 207). Second, a child whose parents are more available is less likely to take their aggression out on classmates when they get to school (Neufeld 207). Overall, parents need to be more involved in their children’s’ lives to become familiar with how their kids feel, so that the anger is not brought to …show more content…
In his article, “Where the Policy Meets the Pavement: Stages of Public Involvement in the Prevention of School Violence,” Ronnie Casella reports, that there should be more laws such as President Clinton’s Gun Free Schools Act. The law mandates that schools enact a zero tolerance policy in regards to guns, and if the schools do not, then funding provided for that school will be confiscated. This funding from the government can be used to support programs that link schools to community organizations aimed at preventing school violence (Casella 353). Three million dollars was given to schools to develop violence prevention programs according to a report by Casella. (Casella 353). Similarly, legislators propose that there needs to be stricter gun laws accompanied by harsher consequences to make students think twice about bringing a gun to school. A new gun law is proposed. The Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act’s goal is to have strict consequences for juveniles having guns in school. The law would provide a maximum twenty year sentence for carrying weapons in school zones. This includes semiautomatic assault weapons and automatic feeding devices according to Redding and Shalf. It is believed that if legislators input tougher gun control laws, then school violence will be less