On page 367 the lines state “ identity is shaped by our interests, personality, and talents, much of how we define ourselves is dependent on the culture that surrounds us.” Those lines are telling readers that everyone should have different personalities and that it is okay to embrace the culture around you. Even though a lot of people say it's okay to be different people still feel the need to change around different groups to fit in. Instead of being who they truly are people change their interest and the way they actually see things for other people so they will be accepted.
Our identity and culture is what shapes us as individuals. Culture is beliefs, behaviors, and other characteristics common to members in a group. Culture is a big part of your identity. Not having your own identity, then who actually are you? Emily Dickinson once wrote a poem called I'm Nobody! Who are you? I believe she wrote that poem to …show more content…
Most people forget who they are as a person and where they came from. They put their real identity to the side and change themselves like the poem says “No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true”. The poem is trying to explain that you can only be “two faced” for a certain time, eventually the real you will come out.
Your different identity and culture should help you find your place in the world. You shouldn't have to be that person who has a different face in front of your friends than a different one in front of your family. Most people are so used to hiding behind a fake face in front of different crowds when in reality they shouldn't have to change for anyone and should be accepted for who they are. Culture and identity defines who we are and we should embrace the different cultures we all have and the different